Saturday, April 1, 2017

GA #21

GA #21

What is RGB? Is it additive or subtractive?

What is CYMK? Is it additive or subtractive?


  1. rbg is defined by three chromatic colors: red, green, and blue additive primaries, and can produce any chromaticity that is the triangle defined by those primary colors. RBG= ADDITIVE

    cymk is a subtractive color, and refers to the four inks used in some color printing: cyan, magenta, yellow, and key (black) CYMK=SUBTRACTIVE


  2. 1 the first one is additive, RGB made of together with blue, red and green.2 is subtractive made of together with yellow blue and pink red used as print color.

    Taylor li

  3. rgb: red,green,Blue. additive.
    cymk: cyan,magenta,yellow,and key(black). subtractive.

  4. RGB is additive, it is defined by red, green, and blue. CYMK is a subtractive color model defined by cyan, magenta, yellow, and key (black).

    Henry Moore
